Algebraic Geometry Lectures

20 Sep 2024

Homework Problems:

Homework 1 - 08.10.2024 :

Homework 2 - 05.11.2024 :

Homework 3 - 10.12.2024 : DUE DATE CHANGED

Taking notes:

A small part of the grade is based on note taking for a single class. You choose which class you are going to take notes in. You communicate to me this choice either by email or in person, at least one day in advance. You submit your notes up to 10 days later. Here is an overleaf template for the notes: notes.tex)

End of semester presentations:

Each of you will choose a class of varieties from the list below and do a 30 minute presentation to give the audience the definition of your chosen variety and their many geometric and algebraic properties. To learn about this varieties, first look for them in Joe Harris’ book “Introduction to Algebraic Geometry” where they appear frequently. You may also want to consult other algebraic geometry books or notes. Chose your variety by November 12th, 2024. Once you chose, tell me about it. Two weeks before your presentation, send me an email with an outline of the content of your presentation. Grading criteria for your presentation: Your presentation must include at least one definition, one theorem and one example. Do not include proofs in the presentation. Focus on explaining the definition, theorem and example.

W1.Lecture 1-19.09

Introduction. Bezout’s Theorem, affine varieties Ch1.S1,S2.

W2.Lecture 2-24.09

Affine varieties. Ch1.S1.S2. Variety of an ideal. Ideal of a set.

W2.Lecture 3-26.09

Affine varieties. Ch1.S3. Computing with polynomials. LectureNotes Irreducible topological space.

W3.Lecture 4-01.10

Affine varieties. Ch1.S3, Ch1.S4.

W3.Lecture 5-03.10 -

Affine varieties. Finish Ch1.S4. Start of morphisms.

W4.Lecture 6-08.10

Discussion of Homework. Beginning of projective spaces.

W4.Lecture 7-10.10

Continuation of projective spaces. Beginning of sheaves.

W5.Lecture 8-15.10

Beginning of Sheaves. Sheaf of functions, presheaves, restriction maps.

W5.Lecture 9-17.10

Ringed spaces. Structure sheaf of an affine algebraic set. Definition of affine variety, algebraic variety.


W6.Lecture 11-24.10

Definition of subvarieties. Local rings, germs of functions at a point.

W7.Lecture 12-05.11

Discussion of solutions to homework problems.

W8.Lecture 13-07.11

More local rings and sheaves of modules. ———————

W8.Lecture 14-12.11

Image sheaf, kernel sheaf, sheaves of ideals ———————

W9.Lecture 15-14.11

Quasi-coherent sheaves, exact sequences, global sections functor. Projective varieties, structure sheaf. ———————

W9.Lecture 16-19.11

Sheaves of modules on projective spaces. Sheafification and global sections ———————

W10.Lecture 17-21.11

Total coordinate ring of a projective variety. Two important exact sequences. Examples of morphisms between projective spaces. ———————

W10.Lecture 18-26.11

Veronese maps, schemes, zero-dimensional schemes. ———————

W11.Lecture 19-28.11

Dimesnion, link with topology. Field of rational functions, transcendence degree. ———————

W11.Lecture 20-03.12

More on dimension, principal ideal theorem ———————

W12.Lecture 21-05.12

Singular points, derivations, deformations, Jacobian criteria. ———————

W12.Lecture 22-10.12

solutions to exercises. ———————


W13.Lecture 24-17.12 - STUDENT PRESENTATIONS